
Jacob is a helpful boy who likes to work. He likes to take care of the animals and cooks whenever possible. He then turns on the radio and makes the best chapatis of all (local pancake). He is very knowledgeable about the vegetable garden and likes to work in it. Jacob likes to be by himself. For him, all that fuss is not necessary. He is always happy and likes to joke. He also likes to scare you, he has the greatest fun if it is successful.

Jacob came with his mother to Mombasa after she had decided to leave her husband, the father of Jacob. Unfortunately, she died two years later after they had made a new start in Mombasa. Because of this, Jacob had to go to his grandmother in the countryside. This did not work for him and he walked away and started his street life in Mombasa. Jacob had trouble settling down and had several opportunities to work on his future. Luckily he was ready when we found him.

He is one of the most passionate boys and he likes to go to school. Jacob was stable and did well. That is why we had transferred the care to his aunt. He lived there very nice and he did great. Jacob did not agree with the schools around there. He had kindly asked us (several times even) if he could come back to BeHoCa. After consultation with his aunt we agreed and that is why Jacob has been living with BeHoCa since December 2017. Jacob wants to be an engineer and have a happy life.