‘BeHoCa Foundation supports as many street children as possible, in Kenya, to leave the streets, so this way of living will no longer be an obstacle to building a healthy and promising adult life.’
More than 250.000 children roam the streets of Kenya. Aimlessly and without a future. These children need help. Not a single child belongs on the street. All children have the right to a childhood in which they do not have to worry and feel safe and experience love. A childhood in which the child has rights, but also duties. A youth which has a focus on individuals. A childhood where they can develop and grow in freedom and safety. Everywhere children are the ‘weaker’ of society. Especially children without parents or guardians are weak. They need someone who stands up for them and ensures them that they will get what they need and what they deserve.
BeHoCa Foundation is committed to doing this and takes as many street children as possible in their home where the children receive adequate specialized assistance and support. When this is done the children will dare to open up again, dare to dream, dare to change, to learn and grow, but most of all to dare and may be a child again!
‘What we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but if we did not do it, the ocean would be smaller, because of that missing drop.’
Mother Teresa – her life and work in words and images Utrecht: Servire, 1997