
If you decide to an internship or volunteer at BeHoCa Foundation we have some expectations.

We expect that:

  • you are enthusiastic and motivated to commit yourself to the project
  • you are at least 18 years old
  • you know how to work hard
  • you are flexible
  • you want to get in touch with another culture in a different way
  • prepare yourself well and carefully read all documents that you receive
  • respect the culture and the staff
  • you speak and understand English
  • for internship you should also know how to write in English
  • you’re serious about getting started as an intern or volunteer
  • and feel up to it!

And of course you can expect us to do everything to make your time in Kenya as special and memorable as possible.

Your tasks will be very diverse. Your tasks range from guiding and directing the boys to helping with administrative work. Even household chores can be addressed.

A global schedule of the day:

  • helping the boys to get up and get ready for school
  • if the children are at school, you can do tasks in and around the house, like administrative tasks, writing daily reports, visiting governmental agencies, schools and/or businesses, preparing activities, helping and supporting the boys who are not going to school, etc.
  • when the boys return from school you will assist them with homework and their daily tasks
  • organizing a small activity in the evening
  • put the boys to sleep

On the weekends we like to have as many activities as possible, so the boys are busy, will be challenged and have a nice weekend where they can relax. On Sunday morning we go to church. After church the afternoon is free for activities. Besides all this, you are of course free to improvise in consult with us, we are open to everything!